The Bikini Bridge: Men do NOT like it!

Here we go again!


The silly sub-culture slags have found yet another standard from which to hold women up against.

What’s next?

Or better yet, lemme think of ones for men:

“The Jock Rock.”
“The Peck Path.”
“The Bun Drum.”
“The Power Package.”
“The Hairy Highway.”
“The Junk Trunk”
“The Speedo Cheeto”
(I’ll keep working on it)


Miley Cyris Suffering from SEVERE Candida Infection:

Miley Cyris Suffering from Severe Candida Infection
by Tim Ritter

Well-known twerker-entertainer Miley Cyris finally revealed in a public forum her reason for sticking her tongue out in all of her photos.  As it turns out, Miley is suffering from severe thrush, a form of tongue fungus, often associated with systemic candida infections as one of many symptoms.  Other symptoms may include fingernail and toe fungus with athlete’s foot, vaginal issues, and even psychiatric issues including but not limited to drastic haircuts and the need to be near-naked as often as possible.Miley...tumblr_msv193c1in1qa42jro1_1280 - Copy

Sticking her tongue out as been more than just a subtle cry for help.  Miley is actively seeking relief and remedy, and is currently on a raw food with turpentine and sugar protocol.  However, side effects can be like a wreaking ball, causing fashion mis-steps, ill-fitting underwear, and public embarrassment.

If you would like to help Miley, please contact her directly at <>.  Proceeds will be used to help Miley afford more clothes, along with the necessary step of wiring her mouth shut for an undetermined time.

Billy Ray Cyris could be reached for comment.  But we didn’t care what he had to say.

Copyright Tim Ritter

Creatine Causing Unwanted Hair Growth and Deepening of the Voice

“YES,” this is me being a little silly, addressing an article that was written in a fitness magazine about a year and a half ago.  I just could not resist.

Thing is, I do not use creatine myself.  I did try it about 13 years ago now, and it worked SO darn well, that I stopped using it within the first two weeks or so.  The strength gains were incredible.

So now I am designating it to “medicinal use only.”  I can see having applications for it under certain conditions, but for me personally, not for any other reason.  It has a decent history of safety, but if a person using it goes off the stuff, the strength and other gains derived from it dissipate quickly.

So that’s my take on it.

For the record, the latest research is showing that for people who want to use it for size and strength gains, the most effective use is AFTER a workout.  There was a relatively recent article pointing this out.  This would counter a lot of the previous thought on the subject, and certainly put into question the countless “pre-workout” powders out there that include it in the ingredients.  Countless products use it.  Most pre-workout drinks have not changed at all over the last three decades, the vast majority amounting to little more than different versions of sugars and stimulants in new packaging.  Yes, they can and do work, but are often loaded with so much junk (artificial sweetneners, fillers, junk vitamins and minerals, etc) that I personally won’t touch them.

Just my two cents.  And my two cents seems worth very little since countless people buy and use pre-workout drinks, the stuff sells like mad.




