Aspartame Comment under a Junk Food Video

A video featuring entertaining bodybuilders eating fast food and diet drinks astounded me based on the lack of quality of foods they were eating.  Perhaps applicable to bulking up, these foods certainly aren’t applicable to chiseling the abs and especially not conducive to good health.

So I commented under the video remarking about my choice to avoid foods filled with toxins, including reference to aspartame-laden diet drinks, as I put it.  I received lots of support of my statements and positive feedback, along with some of the usual hate.  And I’ll respond to the hate, if I feel it’s justified and can inform at the same time.  This particular person was convinced that aspartame is safe, and that it was already tested to be safe…

Hence the commenter and my reply to his comment below:


(Commenter): “neuro-toxic aspartame-laden (diet) drink.” hahaha you about that bullshit. Its about the most independently tested food additive in the world. Man I know so many of you hippy guys

(My reply): fwiw, I love hippies, but am not one. You’ve been drinking too much diet soda. You are correct however: there are independent tests done, yes, but you didn’t mention whether they proved safety or not. Interesting how you left that part out. Searle themselves conducted many tests and each one they conducted of course “proved” it was safe, ;). Can we say “biased?” Or “conflict of interest?” The independent tests came up overwhelmingly that it was unsafe, well over 50% of the tests…and if I recall, as high as 90%.

The video below will lay things out for you, but really, I didn’t need 60 Minutes to do a segment on it. All I needed to know was that it was repeatedly unapproved (I believe the “most” repeat-unapproved food additive ever) and that the following sequence of events took place: Searle (*pharmaceutical* company)…Rumsfeld CEO…new FDA Commissioner appointed and immediately approves aspartame, then months later goes to work at Searle’s publicity company…;)…Monsanto (GMO king)….Rumsfeld goes in government…is *all* I need to know. I wouldn’t need even a single study to prove to me aspartame was unsafe; All I’d need to know is how it *became* “safe” for me to avoid it like the plague:

Search “Aspartame, Brain Cancer, and the FDA Approval Process…” uploaded by HealthRanger, the 60 Minutes segment. Then sit back, crack open a Diet Coke, and enjoy.




Click Here for my latest video on “The Bliss Point” in foods.