People Are Trying: The Best That They Can.

We are living in amazing times, as anyone who bothers to pay attention can see.

I had a discussion with a total stranger in my local grocery store the other night.  She asked me about my opinions on a honey product that was being sold, and the anti-bacterial rating of raw, pesticide-free honey and similar concepts.  I told her what I could on the subject matter, having a huge love for nature, the planet, life, people, animals, and the vital importance of bees and what they do to keep our food supply viable.

I then went to my nearby YMCA, where I belong, to use their sauna as part of an on-going detoxification plan I’m on.

A troupe of young high school boys came in, on the local lacrosse team, and asked me about the book I was reading called “Suicide by Sugar” (or similar, I can’t recall the exact title).  We talked about high fructose corn syrup and the over abundance of sugar in the western diet.  They asked me about drinking diet colas, and you of course know what my answer to that was.  😉

Then a couple elderly gentlemen came in, one struggling with his strides, likely dealing with arthritis.

Then a couple young ladies came in, also teenagers, and struck up conversation with one of the young boys whom they all seemed to know.

This Y is very popular, with a large attendance.  It is a beautiful new structure, and is always busy.  Lots of families, which is what makes it so endearing to me, since I’ve never built a family of my own.  I enjoy being around the wide spectrum of age-range, talking to teenagers on occasion, as well as 80+ year-olds on other occasions.

Everyone, for the most part, seems to have a good heart. 

Being a very social person when I take the time to be, I frequently get to know new people, pretty much on an near-daily basis.  I am so busy with work that I sometimes withdraw socially, simply because although I love people tremendously, it is sometimes hard for me to allot the time to take, to engage new people, since one never knows how talkative the other person may be, and I simply have obligations that I must tend to that keeps my schedule and my life a bit overwhelmed.

What I find, for the most part, is that people live in their own little worlds.

They know what they know, are often open to new ideas but not *quite* enough to help create faster positive change, and are often content enough with the course of their lives that with all of what the world presents us with…the struggle for money, the need to be validated and cared about, the desire to just be happy…

They do the best that they can.

Fibro, Arthritis, Joint Pain…Is it ALL Fungus?!?

“No.”  It’s not ALL fungus.

But a great deal of the time…I will venture to say as much as the majority (well over 50% in my book) of the time, these issues can be traced back to a fungal load in the body.

You guys know I focus on this in my program.  The yeast imbalance in the body that mutates into a fungus pathogen, breaches the immune system, and takes up residence in other parts of the body.

So I’m a little biased on the topic.

And because I’ve been there.

With the above symptoms, and much much more, all being treated and managed effectively as a fungal condition.

The doctors do NOT want to deal with this issue.

And of course they don’t.

They prescribe antibiotics so much, that they’re feeding the problem.

I would encourage, and encourage strongly, anyone suffering from any range of physical or even mental ailment, that they cannot find resolution for, to consider that the problem has a fungal origin.

An eastern medicine practitioner whom I know personally, who specializes in energy medicine via accupuncture points and tuning forks, insists that fungus in our society is literally “epidemic.” 

SO much so, that he believes nearly 100% of us have it, it’s just a matter of who is symptomatic, and who is not.

And those that are, struggle terribly, with both physical pain, and oftentimes mental anguish…both related to the physical pain, and often times, without any physical pain at all…such as panic attacks being a great example.

There is an alternative doctor out on the west coast if I recall correctly, who treats panic attacks SOLELY from the standpoint of it being a fungal issue in the brain.

And he has loads of success.

I used to have terrible panic attacks as a child and throughout much of my adult life.

As soon as I dealt with my problems…my many physical issues that then coupled with panic attacks…not only did the physical issues dissipate, but the panic attacks are now a full 99% gone.

It is that profound.

And that is why I do what I do.

Arginine and/or Citrulline for ED? (Erectile Dysfunction)…Don’t Bother

Arginine and Citrulline ARE indeed involved as precursors in the formation of nitric oxide in the body to help men produce erections.

But as independently taken supplements, they seem to produce little results for men who are looking for more dramatic results.  Unfortunately, there is a lot more involved in the biological process of an erection taking place than the precursors alone.

Men should also be aware that using extra arginine, which can also be effective at increasing testosterone production, can ALSO activate hibernating viruses such as herpes.  A local health food store I frequent has seen this happen time and again.  Arginine along with other proteins is also taken independently by a lot of bodybuilders for the testosterone-enhancing effect, but it can obviously have it drawbacks, and I prefer using independent amino acids only for specific use…such as in injury and/or recovery, almost as a medicinal-type use…and using a full-spectrum natural food source of aminos (protein) such as the raw whey milk I reference often as my go-to protein source to give me all I need in the area of aminos.

I feel the whey protein alone can enhance erections better than the isolated aminos can.  Especially when maca is added to it in a smoothie.

So on the note of what CAN work that may be a more holistic approach, I have a few things to offer.  Don’t disregard these ideas, because I used to suffer from on-going ED myself, and I am a solid 80% recovered, having erections that are as strong and powerful…even larger I dare say…than they were for me as a kid (I’m 44 now).

Overall health first.  The healthier you are, the better quality the erections will be.

The pathogen/detox focus you all know I have.

And for some specifics:

Do not underestimate adequate water.  If you like, think of the liquid of water as being akin to the liquid blood pumping into the penis; the better hydrated you are, the more liquid you have in your body’s plasma.  About half your weight in ounces a day of spring water or Artesian water per day.  It takes effort to put that much water in your body each day, but you’ll reap rewards from it far beyond strong erections.

Supplemental topical magnesium each day, such as in the armpits as a deodorant.  You all know which one is my favorite over at, and that you can use my name, facelessfatloss, in the coupon code to get a discount on any of their products.  I am loving the Magnecharge spray as my deodorant.  And it lasts a long time.

Adequate crystal salt each day, perhaps taking most just before bed…a half teaspoon or so.  Some say it helps with insomnia a great deal.

Red light and infrared light therapy.  Proven to produce localized increased nitric oxide production, about as naturally as possible.  The red lights should be in the 660nm range, and infra red is often included in LED-type technologies used for various purposes such as injury recovery, or infra red pads can be bought separately as well and serve the same purpose.  Very safe, can be applied directly to the area for a few minutes and up daily, and can possibly be one of the most effective ways we have to increase nitric oxide production semi-naturally.

Maca root, as a powdered food added to my protein smoothie.  No question that at more therapeutic levels (some say at least three teaspoons, some guys I know go to three whole tablespoons!…you need to find your own level that works for you, I like to do three tsp+) causes enhanced libido.  Increased libido does not guarantee enhanced erections of course, but the stuff just tends to work that way regardless.  The people of Peru have used it as a food source for decades.  It is so powerful an endocrine regulator that I like to cycle it in my diet, but do know that there are people who eat it every day.  It’s also great for women at menopause, and I will cover this topic too soon.

Love, Happiness, Health and Peace……………Tim   🙂