Eating Clean, Organic Food Vs Risking Illness, Mystery Symptoms and Death

It continues to frustrate me that the organic movement…even though it is not at all where I would want it to be…is not gaining more steam, faster, so that growing methods can be utilized more and costs can come down.

Is there abuse of the word “organic” in an effort to simply make sales? 


However, it’s at least a better option than standard foods, and doesn’t it just HAVE TO BE when it comes to our children?

An unfortunate incident in India this morning.




Why I LOVE Crossfit:

Note the form.

The exquisite execution.

The attention paid to detail and

concentrated injury-prevention efforts.

The ultimate challenge:

“Who can burn the MOST calories while incurring the LEAST number of hernias?!?

(Door prizes offered including custom made arm and leg casts, walkers, canes and assorted him/her pink and blue bandages.)

Shingles Relief That Makes Sense:

Video below explains some of the research I uncovered regarding using Vitamin C for shingles, mega-dosing.  Please take the video to YouTube so you can read the text field under the video, which contains a lot more information that is must-know for further research.