My Awesome, Safe, Resistance Bands:

I’ve been asked so many times about the resistance bands I use (video sample below) that it was high time I did a post on it to make them easily available to all.

I’ve broke THREE resistance bands in a mere FIVE YEARS.  Folks, that’s a LOT.

“Yes,” I did a silly video with a dramatization of a band breaking.  But I really have broken three of them and did suffer three real injuries, one of which was pretty intense.

At first, I was deliberately TRYING to break them.  “Yes,” it was part a stupid macho-ego inclination that I paid dearly for the first time when the snap-back from the band breaking hit my wrist, and to say “OUCH!” would be putting it very lightly…

Holy CRAP did it ever hurt.

Left me black and blue for days, and I *almost* thought I might have broke my wrist.

But the attempt to “try” to break them was also in part because I wasn’t sure I could break them.  I wanted and needed to know how safe these things were.  And believe me, ANYONE can break them.  They are not nearly as unbreakable as one would think.

So I embarked on a search to find the safest bands I could find.  You would be surprised how long it took to find these things.  One would think by this time, since bands have been out for decades, that these safer bands would be far more readily available than they are.

FINALLY found some awesome, double-banded ones that are just incredibly strong.  The double band is such a great safety feature, since if one band breaks, the other is there to prevent, at least in large part, the horrible snap-back that happens with other bands and leads to injury.

Below is a link to the bands that I use, the best price I could find over at Amazon (and actually one of the few places they can actually be bought).  Would love to see these things become more widely available.  I have yet to break them, and am confident they won’t be breaking any time soon.  I do replace them about once a year, not only to make sure I don’t break them (but they have not shown any sign of breakage during that year yet) but more to retain the resistance they offer; anything stretched over and over again over time will lose some of it’s strength.

So be sure to bookmark this page so you can come back to get new ones next year.  I will make sure that what ever is listed on this page is the best of the best, and will be what I personally and currently use.

BEST PART…They are SOOOO inexpensive!!!

A “MUST” in our exercise arsenal, a part of my personal program, click on the picture below:



