Witness to Advil-related Hearing Loss:

Below is my most recent video regarding a new study showing Advil and Tylenol, or any ibuprofen or acetaminophen product (check the ingredient label for those words on any/all pain or anti-inflammation over-the-counter or prescription medicine) are causing possible irreversible hearing loss and/or tinnitus in people.  I’ve heard some reports that the latter (tinnitus, ringing in the ears) stops upon cessation of use.

Aspirin, although I’m not a fan of promoting that as an alternative, does not appear to cause these side effects.

And we do have other pain-relief options, such as DMSO, systemic enzymes and arnica as a homeopathic remedy known to help many people.  I’ve also used magnets and infrared pads to help with pain issues.

My preference will always be to treat the cause, not the symptom.  Hopefully this notion is finally beginning to catch on in the mainstream as well, as the alternative researchers, like myself, are tired of hammering it over and over again.

The reason why I stress this so much is simply because of MY own experience.  With each and every instance, I approached the CAUSE of the problem first, and obtained excellent results.  Usually through a combination of diet change and supplementation, and attempting to understand the cause of the pain.

After all…pain is *always* a *symptom* of something being wrong, correct?

Let’s find what the heck IS wrong…and fix it.