Why I Don’t Get High Any More.

I was asked recently if I ever did drugs.  People see me online promoting a healthy lifestyle, they see my appearance and general disposition, and will ask if I’ve ever done drugs or do them currently.

The answer is “Yes, plenty,” and “no, never again” respectively.

I did a ton when I was a kid in high school.  I used alcohol and marijuana to manage both panic attacks (this was back in the days before panic attacks were even recognized as a legitimate concern) and severe depression.

And they worked.

For a while.

Back then, they also considered it almost unthinkable to put a child on any prescription drug unless the situation was severe.

Nowadays, they hand out prescripts like candy to kids with all sorts of conditions/labels/afflictions.

When I attended college for the first time in my life in 2003, I was very intimidated.  I never went to college right out of school because I simply could not manage it.  The stress was too much for me, and I really did not have a career path due to massive truancy and lack of caring in school.  Much of my lack of motivation in those days was unquestionably related to marijuana use.  I used so much of it (up to three times a day for long stretches of time) that it made me very lethargic and uninterested in much of anything outside of getting high. 

You may remember the old ad with the guy talking to his friend in the family room while smoking a joint, and the mother comes in yelling “Johnny…did you even LOOK for a job today?”

Johnny sits up, responding to the unexpected scolding, “No…Ma…”….indicating a complete lack of drive and interest.

It accurately represented was marijuana can do to some people. 

While I do know others who can work daily while using without too much issue.


I expected the kids at college to totally intimidate me with their confidence and smarts…but the exact opposite happened.

And nowadays, there are so many designer drugs that who knows what people are taking, never-even-mind the new designer (GMO) foods that most kids are eating.

And yes, I believe these and other factors, like cell phones/frequency pollution are largely responsible for the condition of kids today.

So, “Yes, I used,” but I won’t be again.

The last time I tried marijuana was in 1995 or 6, and a mere 4 hits worth knocked me off my rocker for an entire week.  I was buzzed for four hours, and spacey for another five days.


And being off drugs/alcohol, everything for nearly six years now (not really counting) I feel better than ever…I can sleep well, I feel good most of the time, and most importantly…kinda like how I treat FOOD…it does NOT CONTROL ME.

And that in itself is a massive satisfaction.