Why Did Dr. Oz “Omit” Vital Info About B12?

We hate to make this blog appear as though it’s an “Anti-Doctor-Oz” blog, lol, because it most certainly is NOT.  He is promoting on his show a LOT of really wonderful things that we support whole-heartedly.

Unfortunately, we strongly disagree with him in other areas, and we’ll present our views, with some research backing them where applicable, of what we disagree with *as well as* areas where we are in total agreement with him and want to help spread the news.

One show in early 2012 covered the value of B12 that countless people can derive as an energy booster.  There is no question that it’s beneficial in this regard.

However, what he did NOT cover was the FORM of B12…and on this point as well, we disagree with the B12 that another doctor we respect promotes…that we feel is the healthiest option, and for which we receive a lot of support from other alternative researchers on this subject matter.

B12 most commonly comes in two forms; the “cyano” version, and the “methyl” version.  

To make this simple:

The “cyano” version is derived from cyanide.  

And “yes,” cyanide as we all know from the old movies and cartoons, is absolutely poisonous.

If you try this form of B12, you may notice a slight “bloating,” or even discomfort on the right side of your torso after using it.

This is your liver trying to detoxify the…poison…from your body.

Instead, we can take the “methyl” version, get its absorption both sublingually, under our tongue (directly into our blood stream via our mouth) as well as some secondary absorption possibly via the stomach (although the latter is often the challenge with any B12 supplement, hence the preferred sublingual absorption).

In an effort to combat the lack of absorption that is the challenge with the “methyl” variety, some manufacturers have designed the cyano version, often encapsulated with a lipo (fat)-type substance, in an effort to increase the absorption.

We say, why not just take the version that we KNOW has a safety record, and that has never had an overdose issue that we can find on record as a water-soluble vitamin?

The choice is easy.  We choose the methyl version.