Things That Piss Me Off the MOST:

I’m sure this list may not be quite exhaustive; these are things that are bothering me today a great deal.

But by the same token, I don’t hold a lot of anger on an on-going basis.  Very unhealthy for my mental state and body, though I recognize the value in having negative emotions as well…looking for the balance between productive emotion and destructive emotion as best I can at all times.


-Toxic Lawn Treatments

-Fluoridated Water

-Mercury Amalgam Fillings

-Closed Minds and Willful Ignorance

It’s nearing the end of summer here in upstate NY, and some people have their lawns treated in an effort to avoid weeds, dandelions, etc.  The companies are required to notify neighbors when treatments are applied.  (Gee I wonder why).  These chemicals go into our water tables, and stink up the area with a horrible noxious smell that lasts the rest of the beautiful sunny day.  If we would all stop with the need to impress our neighbors, we would have lawns and yards that are actually full of edible foods that can literally replace parts of our grocery bill if need be.  In fact, if the financial collapse ever happens that so many people feel is almost inevitable, it will be quite a disgusting site to see people in desperation counting on their local grocery store to feed them, when free food actually exists all around them…and for some, like a neighbor who needs to treat their laws to make sure it is weed-free and perfect, they will have little to choose from, and what they might have, will have residual toxins to consume, after years worth a treatment, embedded in every inch of their soil.  Stupidity.

The fluoridated water issue is simple: fluoride acts as a medication.  It’s used in anti-depressants.  We are being drip-medicated against our will via a source that we depend upon for survival.  The very fact that this is happening, and so little is being done about it (it is a situation that should have been stopped immediately, but has lasted decades) is proof of how effective fluoride is in calming people and making them somewhat pliable and compliant.  Because the *normal* reaction, to being forced to ingest anything ever, would be one of outrage.  That outrage has been effectively quieted via years of accumulated fluoride in the body.

Mercury fillings.  Amalgams.  They like using the word “amalgam” to suggest the specific form of mercury found in tooth fillings is inert and harmless.  All I ask is that the ADA, or any other supporters of mercury amalgams, simply make a gumball-sized piece of this amalgam and suck on it everyday for years as a demonstration of it’s safety.  That is, after all, exactly what anyone with these fillings is essentially doing.  Why would a supporter NOT offer to do such a thing, since they are allegedly so safe?  Mad Hatter anyone?

Closed minds, willful ignorance: Likely one of the biggest self-inflicted crimes of humanity.  A closed mind prevents progress and growth.  And this condition remains rampant on this planet.  I am open to all possibilities at all times.  Who among the greatest achievers does not have an open mind?