The Big “DW” Drinking Mystery Finally Revealed:
I’ve been giving hints over the past several weeks about this “new” drink that I’m finally about to reveal.
I wanted to have a good run on this liquid before I mentioned it. It remains very controversial, and I am STILL (pun, as you will soon see) not convinced that it’s the best option…BUT…I’ve been drinking it for over four months now with VERY interesting results.
Did you guess what the “DW” stands for?
“Dark Worcestershire” sauce (see picture at right).
Wait…that’d be “DWS,” wouldn’t it.
So that won’t work.
(Does anyone, like, EVER think I’m even remotely funny?)
THE REAL ANSWER is of course,
Distilled Water.
I decided to re-experiment with “nothing but” distilled water drinking to see how things pan out.
BUT…I am “still” (pun again, get it?…”disSTILLed) challenging SOME notions about it.
Let’s just start with the idea that it makes a lot of sense.
When I think of the universe, I’m thinking of Carbon, Nitrogen, HYDROGEN and OXYGEN.
My first thought is “how can we NOT do right by ingesting something that contains two of the four building blocks as we know them, and in the purest form we can get?
The argument has long been that drinking distilled water “pulls” minerals from the body.
Welp, the idea is, that it actually DOES do this.
But as with so much that is effectively omitted in any alternative path to health that may be just an awesome-awesome idea, what they leave out is that the minerals that are pulled out are effectively…and apparently almost completely…JUST the over-mineralization (heavy metals especially) that WE DON’T WANT to begin with.
I did experience some “herxing” when I started. So how does one know when what is perceived as a negative effect is due to the new protocol being tried, or, if it’s actually due to a purging that causes negative experiences?
For me, it tends to boil down to how bad things get, and what I can ride out.
NOW: Let me make it clear that I still am on the balance beam on this topic. If interested, Dr. Mercola has a revised stance on DW stating that it seems to be good for short term use, for detox/cleansing, perhaps several weeks worth. And that he has seen what he believes are possible deficiencies related to DW drinking (but in my opinion and I believe he’d agree, is not conclusive) whereby people had to drink spring water again in order to resolve the issue (if I recall it had something to do with temporary hair loss, but note that other people report positive effects with their hair).
By the same token, there are a LOT of people out there (Andrew Weil always came to mind, and “yes,” he’s bald, but has been ever since the late 1800’s) who have recommended it and according to them drink nothing BUT distilled water as their go-to source for hydration.
I am going to continue to drink it. I have noticed what I consider at this point to be nothing but positive effects.
However, by the same token, I do have to alert you to the fact that this remains very controversial. Many health experts will continue to insist that it is not prudent to be drinking it, and that the minerals supplied by spring water are beneficial to the body.
I really never thought I’d be attempting this, but so far so good, and I will chime in on it from time to time.
Quick update: It is about a week and a half after having written this post, and I noticed an apparent effect from this experiment that is undeniable: my hair color.
I have a darkish brown hair that turns a golden color from sun exposure. At least I had this color from my teens to my late 30’s. More gray has crept in, but thankfully it’s been fairly minimal (though more so over time).
I noticed the sides of my hair closest to my face have definite, unquestionable, golden color. It is amazing. I’m even looking in every kind of light (natural and artificial light) to verify what I am witnessing, and I am now certain of it. A huge advantage I have to this discovery is a comparison; my hair is somewhat long right now, falling to my shoulders in some areas (I’ve always worn it longer, I haven’t had short hair since I was a child). So I have a comparison with what has grown out, to what is closer to my scalp. This is not a HUGE difference, but it has unquestionably changed. Just getting any pigment in there at all, where there was much more gray…”wow.”
The theory is that the excess minerals create an “ash” in the body, graying the hair and skin. And that DW may reverse this.
Others have reported no difference, for the record. It seems to happen to some people, but not to others.
I’ll keep everyone posted over the next year, talk to ya again soon (another video also coming very soon, I have a few topics I’ll be active on after going a solid month without vids recently)…….Love, Happiness, Health and Peace………..T