Testosterone Does NOT Decrease in Healthy Men

Some researchers in Australia at that Endocrine Society annual meeting figured out recently that testosterone did not decrease in men who were in good health…that instead, it’s rather a *symptom* than a cause.

This is a huge and important finding, not just for the sake of men everywhere, but as a lesson we can all learn about what notions we subscribe to as we live our lives, and how we form the conclusions that we do about the nature of things.

Why do we buy into so much of what is fed to us about the way things are?

Do we HAVE to “degenerate” as we age?

If so, to what degree?

I believe the impossible is possible.  I have seen some near-miracles in my life, first and second hand.  I don’t claim to understand the mechanics of it all…all I know is that some extraordinary things are entirely possible, and are happening all the time.

Whenever we read any kind of research, or look up to a person whom we believe has a higher degree of knowledge or wisdom than we do, it’s so vitally important to remember that his/her perspective is just one of many…and that what is suggested may or may not apply to you/us, and/or the person may have misunderstood exactly what the new discovery or belief is.

We’ve all seen the food pyramid, and those of you in the FacelessFatloss program know I do not support it.  Yet it served as a guide for decades for a nation of people.  We can see what the results of that are in part, of course including a lot of other factors as well.

Happy Memorial Day to all, a new video on a great smoothie maker (no foam!!) was uploaded today on the FacelessFatloss YouTube channel. 🙂