Question Regarding Thrush and Antibiotics


Should I take antibiotics for an abcess tooth when I already have thrush?

“I recently had to take strong antibiotics for months due to a tick bite. Afterwards, Ive noticed I have candida and or thrush, so the doctor put me on Nystatin pill form. Now I believe I have an abcess tooth. Should I take antibiotics agai? I plan on going to dentist soon as i can . Please no do what your doc says bs. Thanks in advance”


“I can only comment based on what I would do, based on having had a similar experience in my past.

I personally will not be taking antibiotics again, unless and until they are needed on my death bed. Antibiotics are “Anti-Life” by definition. They destroy both bad AND good bacteria in huge quantities when they are taken. I feel they are among the most over-prescribed drugs on the planet, and contributing to countless secondary ailments and side effects. Some of them, such as the quinolone class, have been found to contribute to very serious side effects such as tendon and joint damage that can last for years. Having experienced similar, I do believe it can be recovered from, by via the very means that conventional medicine refuses to recognize as the after-effect of using these antibiotics; potentially severe fungal infections, one symptom of which is thrush. Recovery can be slow and difficult, but is entirely possible as long as one does not listen to western medicine that tells us it is permanent. I am living proof it is not.

A first step in countering this is via multi-strain and very high cell count (number of strains is more important imho) probiotic. This helps repopulate the healthy flora in the gut. Some theories suggest that overall gut health is “the” key to body-wide good health. I tend to agree.

Knowing the above, I have since opted for alternative anti-bacterials, going on the assumption of course, that there is indeed an actual bacterial infection. Most of the time no culture is taken to conclusively confirm that, leaving doctors using shotgun approaches with broad-spectrum antibiotics to attempt to remedy the problem. And remedy it may, (or may not) and at what cost…

I cover these topics based on years of tough learning experiences and lots and lots of pain due to these kinds of prescriptions. I have little to no faith in anything doctors do outside of trauma care any more. You can find my vids on youtube, channel name facelessfatloss. A bunch of videos covering this and similar topics. I hope this was at least somewhat informative and I sincerely hope you feel better soon”…………..Tim