Poop Through Nose and New Supplements (not one-and-the-same) ;)

Hey there, it’s Tim, a good Friday afternoon eastern time to you,

A “Hello” and “Thank You” to the newbies on the FLFL program now signing up through Amazon.  I am extending the offer to anyone who wants it: If you would like to correspond with me about any part of my program, I will offer email consultation for five days (one email a day, unlimited questions) if you will give me a review on Amazon.  I am sorely lacking them because of the newness of the offer there.  When there are no reviews, it just looks like my material is no good, even when we all know my material is better than anything out there.            ….   😉

“Thank you” to whomever posted the first review.  Had no idea it was even there.  🙂
A guy here locally with severe IBS is likely going to have poop shoved down his nose (like the Dummystupid dummy to the right) to help repopulate his gut flora.  I will keep you updated on that over the next two months, because I am looking into doing it myself.  Fecal transplant.  Antibiotics destroyed my gut flora, and I can’t process oxalate well, so I’m considering it.

You asked for it, you got it:I sent out surveys a while back, and people want me to offer fat loss supps.  So I am likely doing that very soon (possibly as soon as next week).  Stay tuned for that.  I am trying to make a connection that enables me to get you essentially no-cost trials of the supplements, along with my reviews of them.



I lost Rik Mayall, Robin Williams and now Joan Rivers.  It’s been one hella’ rough couple months.  These are among the few people that have made me laugh.  My world is officially now filled with less laughter, which I hope is not a permanent place for me.  But I was really big fans of these folks.  Joan could offend me for sure on occasion…for sure!…but she also made me laugh so hard that it was forgivable.  I think she offended everyone at some point.  Sometimes she just said awful things, other times awful things that WE felt awful for laughing AT, and other times…she was just plain non-offensive and outright hilarious.  She was her own brand, that’s for sure, and there will never be another like her.

More to come, including my long-promised fat-focused dieting tactic.  It IS coming, late summer/early Fall.  AS IS MY NEW PROJECT…so stay tuned for that as well, and when I contact you, join my new YouTube channel and FB page devoted to it.  It will be in large part a departure from this gig, but while having it still very active on the side.
Love, Happiness, Health and Peaces of Poop…………….Tim