Pending Posts, Raw Food, etc:

Sorry folks, have been REAL busy, insanely so, for the past couple weeks.  I enjoy blogging here, but sometimes time is just too prohibitive.

The “Over 40 and Ripped” site is nearly done, as is the material that is going into the system.  It is essentially an amped-up version of the FacelessFatloss program, with a very special focus on those over 40 and their unique challenges, of which I am well acquainted.

I will be offering a full ten day email consultation along with the finished system, the same as the “Ten with Tim” gig I do with the FLFL community.  The program will have a bunch of added video content and an added ebook that will reveal some of the latest alternative routes to weight/fat loss and greatly increased health that will venture into the world of raw foodists…without it being a raw food-style way of life.

Instead, it will give you the option to go down that road if you choose, and it will encourage you to consider something akin to it should you be ill.  There are times when the fruitarian, raw food, vegan, vegetarian has its place.  Perhaps for some as a lifestyle, but it is not a lifestyle I will be pursuing for the long-term.  I instead using it intermittently and will explain this in my materials.

I was a lacto-ovo vegetarian for 15 years, so I have a solid background in that lifestyle.  I also support their morals and ethics a great deal, while disagreeing strongly with the way some of them go about promoting it.

This alone is a huge topic that I will one day venture down the road of.  Reason being, I have specific ideas about it, that took me a long time to arrive at.  Very long.  Including lots of spiritual challenges, as lots of plain-ole’ research.  I arrived at conclusion that I believe are the best and healthiest, but will always welcome others insights in that area. 

All of this needs to be said because as many of you will already know, the whole “raw food movement” has become something of a “cult” for lack of better word (and I do not mean it in ANY way derogatory…I truly support where most in the movement’s hearts are, very much so).  It is just an area I am tip-toeing around until I am either attacked…(it may happen)…or, I can find a way to present my views while causing the least debate about it possible.

…Only because it’s a huge huge topic, and one I just don’t have time to delve into right now.

But I one day will.