YouTube has made for an interesting reflection of the way of things in the world today. My perspective based on being a regular uploader for the past five years. Feel free to click on the YouTube link at the bottom right of the video to watch it on YT and comment. It received a surprising number of reactions both by comments and emails very quickly. The topic seems to be touching a nerve with a lot of people:
Ex Vegetarian Explanation:
QUESTION on YouTube:
I don’t think you talked about the reason why you went back to eating meat in your book. Maybe you talked about it in your newest one but I didn’t get it cos I was too lazy…
Could you tell me why it happened and why it helped and why it couldn’t have been done any other way? I don’t eat meat and I hope I will never have to go back to eating it. I’m not an ethical vegetarian really, just a bit, but the thought disgusts me.
I was simply a matter of my body seeming to “need” it. I was craving it a lot at that time and felt weak and deprived of something my body required. It was strongly suggested to me by an alternative practitioner that I trusted, and it made a difference in my energy and overall well-being almost instantly.
I have found that it is simply very individualized. There are many ex-vegans who just realized for whatever reason that they needed to incorporate animal protein back in, in some way. Liz Arthur (if I recall her name, blond woman on YT) recently reverted back as well, and went public about it at one point in the past year. There are lots of others, some associated with raw brahs, etc, often due to experiencing some kind of effect from a meatless diet that just does not work for them.
I wish I had a solid explanation, because I don’t. The closest I can come is that some people either biologically or genetically seem to need it. Possibly their bodies cannot pull enough aminos from an animal-protein-less diet. Another factor I do believe in is the “fire Qi” issue, since I receive a lot of benefit from eastern medicine. Cooked foods factor in to that equation. Of course we can cook veges as well, but even that option isn’t explored by hard-core raw foodists. I do personally believe they may be creating a Qi imbalance in their bodies that could at some point affect them adversely. Just my opinion.
Feel free to ask me things in the comment fields, I really am an open book with nothing to hide, and thanks for the interest and views!
Psoriasis and Gout Issues:
— On Fri, 3/22/13, Rob Norris <rob@
Hi Tim
Loving the Over 40 series thanks so much for your time and efforts.
It’s been a nightmare trying to source some of the ingredients for the fasting but where I couldn’t source the brand you recommend I have found something similar.
I have a couple of questions If you would be so kind?
A close m8 of mines Mum has Gout and psoriasis would suggesting to her to look into high dose Vitamin C be of any help?
I have a gift to thank you for your awesome work so far ( don’t get too excited pal ) where should I send it ?
All the best cheerio
You can send anything to the Monroe Ave address in Rochester at the bottom of each of the program’s emails. Address it to Maintenance Motions, they will forward it to me.
I personally would not use vitamin C for what you’re describing.
My opinions and research:
Psoriasis believed to be auto-immune. My opinion: Fungus/Candida and/or dietary issue with excessive oils/fats causing immune system interference. The dietary fats/oils amplifies candida regardless, as it would also alleged auto-immune issues. An eastern practitioner I know who has “cured” people who were otherwise not curable believes auto-immune diseases are misdiagnosed (he claims “do not exist”) and I tend to agree.
Gout: excessive uric acid. Meats in diet, acid-forming foods, acidity in the body will cause as will excessive fructose (which is why I promote total avoidance of high fructose corn syrup) refined sugars and poor circulation.
If it were me, for both conditions the first thing I would do is get all oils out of the diet, including olive oil, with just a little clean (raw or expeller pressed) coconut oil used for cooking purposes. Note oils are used in almost all processed/packaged foods. And/or do a raw food diet for a couple months, again keeping dietary fats way down along with lots of water.
And/or adhere to my new little chime: “P.I.K.”…Produce Is King. Getting accustomed to the produce department at the grocery store, “piking” (picking ;p) veges and fruits of my choice, raw or cooked but never with oils except a little coconut oil. Vegetable broth can be used for countless vegetable cooking applications when not going raw in place of oils. I’d never ever heat olive oil or other oils again except coconut. They’re all highly inflammatory.
If the dietary oils and fats are kept way down, one can eat as much fruit as one wants including smoothies and juices. Exercising to get the blood moving is a huge bonus. Organic cherries are anti-inflammatory and totally awesome for both conditions (unfortunately short season for them). Water foods/fruits are awesome, if eating dried fruits at all, consume even more water.
I’d use that same coconut oil for oil-pulling. I use Wilderness Family Naturals expeller-pressed organic cooking oil. A spoonful in the mouth swished/sucked/pulled around for 20 minutes or more a day, spit out never swallowed. A small miracle-making tactic out of India used for over 2000 years. Always raw or expeller-pressed, never the processed coconut oils. You can research it and experiment with other oils available to you, but I would never use them for cooking/food/etc, only for oil pulling purposes.
Let me know how things go, best to you…………Tim