Niacinamide has been discovered to have some incredible anti-fungal activity against candida, folks over at the Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer (IRIC) of the University of Montreal discovered.
Otherwise known as vitimin B3, this is quite exciting, as it’s a water soluble vitamin for which fairly substantial doses seem to be able to be taken without side effects.
Niacin itself likely will not produce the same anti-candida effect.
But nor will niacinamide offer the benefits of niacin, namely that of reducing cholesterol levels, which it is commonly used for.
We also avoid the “flush” effect…whereby the skin turns red, itchy and hot…with niacinamide.
This is also a relatively inexpensive…heck, outright “cheap” in comparison to other…supplement and has been sitting there on our grocery store shelves all these many years, candida sufferers walking right past it, never knowing that it can debilitate candida’s ability to reproduce and form biofilms, as well as mess with it’s DNA structure to the point of drastically reducing its viability.
I would try it at low doses and slowly work my way up, and make sure I had a high quality whole food vitamin/mineral to help offset any potential micronutrient “robbing” that may happen when we take isoated vitamins like this.