Need a Lower Back, Shoulder, or Chest Injury? Then DO THIS:

Presented via a real-life example, with some humor (don’t miss the music)…but also shows us exactly what NOT to do if we are working out our chest via the barbell press:

People, people, PUH-LEEEEEEZE!!!!

He has what looks like 45 and 35lb plates on what’s likely about a 50lb bar (hard to see the bar) taking on what amounts to a lot of weight for someone of his size and lack of overall build. 


OBVIOUSLY, it’s way too much weight!

Note his buttocks…

(No, not because they’re sexy)…

Note how they lift off the bench to try to compensate for the lift.

He is asking for more problems than I can even outline here in a short blog.

There is a time for cheating with weights.  They are to be reserved for the experienced and professionals.

For ALL others, we need clean, strict, slow form.  Reduce the poundages and focus on the muscle being trained.

Oye VEY.