Mom Beats Cancer for Eight Years.

A new friend of mine lost her mom this past December after an eight year long battle with cancer.

The amazing part is, she did not opt for radiation or chemotherapy until the last two months of her life, after she exhausted all the remedies she knew of that were alternative and more holistic.

This new friend of mine works at a national vitamin store-type chain.  She has access to lots of information on supplements, vitamins, minerals, protein powders…the usual line-up of the popular go-to supplements that are believed to assist people with various ailments.

I unfortunately learned that there was still a lot left to try, that neither the mom nor daughter knew about.

And it makes me angry.

On the positive side, she held a strong stance against western medicine, and refused treatment for most of those 8 years, while trying alternatives that were able to extend her life for quite a long period of time.

I know another man who is sustaining his wife via alternative remedies for about 15 years now.  It’s an on-going battle, but her quality of life is decent, and so far, she’s keeping the cancer at bay.

A solid starting point for anyone can always be to simply experiment with sugar avoidance.  We know cancer tumors have insulin receptors like normal cells and cancer will readily feast on sugar…not unlike fungus/candida issues.

It will never cease to amaze me how, to my knowledge, sugar avoidance is rarely to never even suggested to patients who are contending with cancer conditions.  I’ve never known a single cancer patient to avoid sugar.  Perhaps they are told, but are not adhering to the message. 

And if the person continues to consume sugars that may indeed be feeding cancer, it’s easy to see why so many people would readily opt for chemo or radiation to help control the growth of these cancer cells.

Unfortunately, the cost in doing so is high to the immune system.

I applaud the mom for waiting to try chemo/radiation as a last resort.  This, in my opinion, is proper application of western medicine…to be used only as a last resort.