Electrifying My Blood Part 2:

To continue, this is all a part of the Bob Beck protocol, which you can search.  The story behind this protocol is yet another incredible saga regarding how the powers that be will go lengths to serve a specific agenda that is not in everyone’s best interest.  No conspiracy theories here…simply self-evident truths, such as the simple idea that exploring using electricity to disable pathogens in the blood, semi-proven in anecdotal experience to resolve many serious illnesses, should be explored seriously and would be jumped upon by a community that truly is designed to serve humanity’s best interests. 

Or is it a sort of misguided idealism that I subscribe to, that adheres to the notion that everyone should be looking out for everyone else’s best interests, as a means to help us all grow and achieve our best?

This always goes back to the money powers, as usual.  The system of debt cannot exist if we all buy only one unit for a few hundred dollars with a few other items to resolve most health issues with relative ease; it would destroy a multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry in short order, and would literally create a “dent” in the economy that would impact everyone financially…everyone in one way or another.

So in a sense, we are all supporting this way of life directly or indirectly.  When and how can/will a dramatic enough change happen that shifts things away from service to a broken system, and service instead to humanity?

No politics here…just self-evident experience that is not debatable.

When using this technology, one must start very slow, with perhaps just a couple minutes worth of usage the first day.  What I experienced quickly was a minor acne breakout the first time I began using my unit again about six months ago (hadn’t used it in years).  About five pimples appeared on my face, which was frustrating, but proof-positive of this machine’s effect.

Then one follows within a half hour with a good quality colloidal silver to knock out the disabled pathogens (the device more “disables” pathogens than kills them, weakening them so that silver has a very easy job to do).  Couple that with lots of water (I have not used the rest of the protocol with the oxygenated water, and magnetic pulsing, etc. due to costs, even tho the costs are relatively affordable for most people I was struggling horribly financially) and a dry sauna to get rid of the acne in short order, and we gradually increase the time we use the unit for daily until we’re in the one to two-hour range. 

The only side effect I’ve experienced outside of herxing and very temporary acne with the unit is a very minor itchy skin issue where the covered electrodes are placed on the skin (they are covered with two sheaths, do not ever place the electrodes directly on the skin).

I will cover this even further in future postings.  This was the first technology I used back when I was extremely ill that finally…FINALLY…gave me signs of improvement and relief, especially with many systemic symptoms.  It had a little more trouble with the localized pain, but the mag pulser may have assisted with that had I been able to afford one.

More on this topic another time.