Dr. Oz is doing a fantastic job at educating the public on the bare-bones knowledge of the latest in great health, but is not up to speed (or at least does not promote) the most controversial, and sometimes most effective ways to handle various issues, and even at times omits information that is important for people to understand (such as cyano vs methyl B12).
The team is right for each other in that they have the same commercial aim: they promote and endorse certain kinds of products that they may make money from, but do not go out on a limb and discuss the most important advancements…advancements like colloidal or ionic silvers, blood electrification, rife technology, or mega-dosing with vitamin C just to name a few examples.
I guess they dare not, for everyone who DOES discuss these issues, tends to get a lot of bad energy surrounding them.
Dr. Mercola has been harassed by the FDA in the past. I don’t know the details about it, but I have a feeling he was “slapped” just enough…given enough warning…to know where the line needs to be drawn in the promotions he participates in.
At times, he has even made videos expressing fairly blatant political views, which from what I’ve seen lean Libertarian, and which can and do push boundaries.
In that regard, I support his efforts.
But in other ways, I’m wondering…struggling hard at times…as to why since he is now a multi-million-dollar enterprise, he does not just “retire”…take the leap…and promote what is REALLY making a difference in people’s lives such as the above alternative routes and technologies.
What the two of them are doing is better than nothing. But as is so often the case, they combine a vast majority of really awesome information, with a handful of really bad information.
Dr. Oz supports aluminum deodorants.
I never would in a million years.
Dr. Mercola supports the poisonous cyanocobalamin B12.
I never would in a million years.
Their advantage over me, is that they have many…MANY…more millions of dollars than I will likely ever see, in my lifetime.
But I’ll be much healthier than they are, not using those products.