Like a preworkout Jack-Me-Up?


My Daily, Natural Energy-Booster?

Hey there, Tim/FLFL here,

I am considering offering a couple different supplements that people have inquired about.  People seem to want supps that can enhance their workouts and fat-burning efforts.

As most of you know, I’m not a big fan of the sugar-laden, crazy-creatine-coocoo-ness, with perhaps some added artificial flavors and other garbage for good measures.

I’m much more about finding something that works more WITH the body, to produce the desired results.

I have four items I am considering, and would welcome your opinion on:


-A pre-workout natural fat, to be used as an energy source pre-workout.  This would likely be a liquid form of two very clean fat extracts, providing a near-instant fuel for the body until we can use sugars again in our Maintenance phase.

-A caffeine-free pre-workout herbal formula.  Natural energy boosting without the jack up of caffeine.

-A natural sugar-suppressor to assist with the low-carb dieting in the initial stages.  It will blunt both the taste of sweets as well as the absorption of the sugars, and has been used in eastern countries for centuries.  (I am least fond of this, and will likely not offer it, but I wanted feedback)


-Would you be interested in my daily, natural, cell-enhancing energy booster?


Do you have an interest in any of the above?  Feel free to chime in below. 

If you are on the MaintenanceMotions Home page that does not have a comment field, click here to get to the post that allows comments.

Please note that the comment will be moderated, so it will not show up right away.  And no need for name/website/etc., you can keep it anon, just chime in.

Thanks for your input.  And be sure to check out some of the links below, one for laughs, the others are info-videos.

Love, Happiness, Health and Peace…………………Tim

Resources to click on:

Need a laugh?  Don’t count on it!…

My friend gets his head nearly shaved for charity…

My anti-vaccine, pro-vaccination stance vid…