Dear Diary…

Just some notes to fill in, haven’t been in touch for a little bit so I wanted to just jot down some items to give an update:

I met someone recently who has no cavities.  She is in her early 20’s, and has great teeth.  This astounded me.  I don’t know of anyone else who has gone cavity-free for that long.

There is a supplement I am exploring that fills in a definite nutrient deficiency.  I have found whole food sources, but it happens to be somewhat seasonal, somewhat challenging to come by.  The food can enhance oral health immensely.  I will expand upon all of this for certain with the new project I am starting and have been referencing, that will get its start before Fall.  You will want to sub the YT channel and like/follow the FB page, as well as the site, all of which have as of now been secured.

The “high fat” diet tactic I’ve referenced is also coming soon.  Regardless of the new project, I will be forever active with FacelessFatloss and Over40andRipped.

A “Welcome” to the new FacelessFatloss folks, now available only on Amazon.  We have not decided yet on whether we will keep it there or not, but Amazon is pretty awesome, and it would make for a nice continued partnership.  Be sure to try the search engine on the right if you’re going to shop at Amazon for deep discounts.

This week was funking hard.  The Robin Williams event really affected me.  What a loss.  I commented on another person’s post about the idea that the person thought Robin Williams was a “failure” because he committed suicide; that things are always black and white, and people make the “choice” to be happy or not.  I will post my stance below, just so you are aware of my way of thinking on this subject:

“Love ya, but vids like this do not help the cause. If you are going to claim a beloved man was a failure, you are inviting people to turn away just out of spite. You state yourself that for you, it’s “black and white.” For *you*. This statement proves that you obviously have not been to a place where you felt a desperate need to leave. When you get there, you will understand, and you will never, ever judge a suicide again. The “choice” argument you make does not always apply. There are countless individual variables and circumstances. We are not all you.

Yes, it is human nature, inherently built into us, to *choose* happiness. Everyone gravitates towards joy by default. When that choice does not exist…and I too was “clinically diagnosed” with severe depression starting at an early age, so I am 100% qualified to make this statement (and had countless close calls with suicide)…and all that can be found is a daily torment, the most private and intimate act of ending one’s life becomes the only choice there is. I’ve been there. “This close.”

And I will put aside any moral debates on the topic, since I personally feel they too are disrespectful to the deceased.

The key point that you’re not understanding is that the person often, such as in my case, *wants* to live; but the only way out of sheer misery and torture is to stop that torture in the only way available, after having exhausted every other option the person knows. Literally trying everything, over long periods of time. After trying desperately to “choose” the joy, but finding only *extremes* of confusion, sorrow, fear and worse. At that point, how much more can the person take.

Countless people have committed suicides that could’ve been avoided. But countless others have committed suicides to end what was extreme, long-term suffering that they did not *choose*. You have NOT been there. If you had, you would never make these statements. I completely agree with and understand your “victim mentality” and “choice” remarks; and that is exactly what is happening a great deal of the time. But *NOT* always. Very little in this world is black and white for most of us. There actually are victims in the world, it is not a selected mentality, the world is not devoid of them. You don’t understand this, because you’ve never experienced the true depths of it. Robin Williams was a huge success, and it’s disrespectful to suggest otherwise, regardless of the choice…or lack of…that he made.

Robin was an amazing man, and an amazing success. A death, no matter how it happens, does not change that. Making billions of people laugh over several decades never, ever, counts as a “failure.”

More soon…….Love, Happiness, Health and Peace………………Tim