Complaining about Dr. Oz Again:

Just frustrated with his overall approach and what he promotes on a day to day basis.

I think he offers the world a lot, but what bothers me most is what he OMITS more than anything.

That, and the fact that he does promote some truly garbage products:

I researched his saffron-based appetite control chewy-thing, and found the first two ingredients to contain sugars, and the rest of the ingredient label was almost as sorry.

On top of that, the product wasn’t selling at the health food store.  The store that advertises during Dr. Oz’s show, and the workers said point blank “the product doesn’t work.”

Dr. Oz will never get into the hardcore alternative stuff.  He gives *hints* about it, but he won’t full-blown touch it.

Think you’ll ever hear Dr. Oz talk about a colloidal silver outside of it’s conventional medical use as an exterior burn treatment?

HIGHLY doubt it.

And WHY?

Who DOES he serve?

He says he doesn’t make any money of the products, but come-on…are we to believe there is no paid placement at all for ANY of these products?  No indirect benefit at ALL?

I have no problem with making money off promotions.

I just don’t like when poor products are promoted, or without a full disclosure on what the product is, does, can do, can not do.

I’ve covered the fact that he discusses the benefits of vitamin B12…but does NOT differentiate between the methyl or cyano varieties.

Some health enthusiasts are appalled about this.

Including me.

If all of his weight loss shows and promotions were so effective, why are such a high percentage of his audience…80%+?…struggling with their weight?