Awesome Update to Tinnitus Section:

I was finally able to acquire the audio file (available via the link on the Tinnitus tab above, towards the bottom of that page) featuring an interview with a specialist in the area of ringing in the ears and how sounds are manifested through the ear and brain.  This crucial missing piece to my section on this topic basically completes the section for now, with the hopes that it contains all the information a sufferer would need to help them get on track to wellness again.

For anyone suffering from this condition, that page will contain extremely helpful information that helps a person understand the origins of the issue and how it can be very effectively managed, reduced or eliminated.

It took a few months worth of effort to compile what I felt worked best, having dealt with the condition myself.  It is a condition that can be extremely difficult and traumatic for people, apparently even leading to suicides in some instances.

None of this needs to be the case, and I fault western medicine…once again…for being responsible for much of the suffering in this area due to their closed minds and one-track path of insisting on solving problems via symptom-treating, instead of cause-treating.  Had western medicine been more open-minded to exploring options outside of repeat-sale prescription or high-priced surgery (that has a track record of doing little to nothing to help the problem) a lot more could have been accomplished a long time ago to help end countless people’s suffering.