We where very disappointed with the Avalon red light therapy LED seminar we attended a few weeks back at a local establishment. Their information was about 80% familiar to us, and although the presentation itself was well done, and a couple neat little new tidbits were learned, they pulled the typical sales pitch (which was to be expected) but at such an obnoxiously high price that it basically enraged us.
Any time alternative therapy is offered that can help people in pain, we become highly suspicious of where their hearts really are, what their true motivations are. Fact is, the LED red light technology, covering the full spectrum of red wavelengths that can be beneficial to the human body can be had for far, far less money than what this group of traveling salespeople promote it for.
To insult the audience with “now at a $700 savings if purchased during this seminar” crap is a dark-age sales tactic that the new paradigm we are now in has no tolerance for.
You’re either here to help people with your technology, or you’re here to make money.
The new way of humanity *has no room for BOTH*.
The red and blue light technologies are absolutely worthwhile and effective. They are NOT selling a worthless product, not by far. They have simply incorporated a few extra gizmos into their product line, making it uniquely theirs, and in that process over charge by approximately 1000 (one-thousand) percent mark-ups, likely making them a small fortune off of other people’s hopes to get better, and off of other people’s pain.
We all have to spend some money to help ourselves get well. We live in a monetary world. Expenses are expected.
But to overcharge for something this severely is uncalled for, and in our opinion, puts this company in the realm of the quackwatch, ONLY for the reason that you can buy red spectrum light LED technologies from other manufacturers, deriving the same or very similar benefit, for far less money.
Shame on you Avalon for exploiting people financially.