Almond Milk Company Won’t Comment on Processing:

Welp, I do not want to bash any of the almond milk manufacturers, I’ve stated this in the past.  And I won’t.  At least not until they give me a lot more reason to, since I appear to be having a reaction to almonds, and it isn’t their fault that this is happening to me, BUT, by the same token, if *I* were them, I would consider what I’m about to point out and figure out a way to ensure the health of my customers at the same time.

But that’s just me.

And I’m a silly little idealist with a moral and ethical bent that some might even call “immature.”

So be it.

After two weeks they contacted me back when I asked them specifically about whether or not their almonds were soaked in water to help release enzyme inhibitors.  I explained that I had a minor health issue and was simply concerned about how the almonds were processed.

The thing is, I never should have wrote this.

Their response, this time taking three times as long to reach me, also had a long disclaimer at the bottom relating to legal matters and “quality control.”

Silly me.

As a long-time student of law, I realized what was happening.

Being ever-vigilant about potential law suits, as any large company needs to be in an economic climate dominated by debt instruments and liability, they answered with what any attorney would answer with: a non-answer, admitting nor denying anything.

Silly, silly, SILLY me.

But as if I’d sue?

I’ve never sued anyone in my entire life.

(But may if certain powers that be do not get their act together…geee, who/where do I start?…the forced medication of our water supply with fluoride, the attempts to force vaccinate, the frauds carried out in countless court cases rendering The State against a person who has done no harm, injury nor damage to anyone…where oh where to I begin?)


The lesson here is to simply be aware of the countless foods we take in that contain enzyme inhibitors.  We take in such large amounts, between the nuts/seeds, soys, grains and so forth that exactly what kind of demand might it be placing on our pancreas/bodies, causing or leading to any of an array of enzyme-deficiency symptoms?