Pharmaceuticals: Relieve Symptoms; Keep the Disease.

If the drug taken cured the disease, there would be no more buying of the drug.

This makes for bad business.

Why would people label this idea a “conspiracy theory,” when it is self-evident?

Do the prescriptions “cure” the underlying CAUSE of the disease, or do they TREAT the symptoms of the disease?

When people get arthritis or tendonitis…often caused by a pathogen of some sort, based on my personal experience, be it fungus or lyme…people often take over-the-counter naproxen or ibuprofen for example, or any number of prescriptions for more advanced pain.

This alleviates the swelling, reduces pain.

They do nothing to attack the underlying CAUSE of the pain.

If they did attack and remove the underlying CAUSE…would people continue to buy the products if there were no more symptoms?

Perhaps just for the fun of spending the money and taking a pill?


Since this is merely a conspiracy theory to many…sales are irrelevant, as are the shareholders in these companies who supposedly like profit margins, someone please explain to me WHY a person would continue to buy the pain relieving product if the person is no longer IN pain.

(Or is getting the person addicted to pain killers the whole point, yet another “conspiracy theory”…after all, people actually ADDICTED to something, never repeatedly buy the same product over and over again do they)…(???)

When I see people simply take these drugs, seemingly “as a matter of course,” and then not take the time to just put a little thought into what they’re doing and why, perhaps some study into understanding exactly what they’re participating in…it blows me away.

The ignorance people are willing to live with…I guess “what I don’t know won’t hurt me”…absolutely astounds me.

The problem is:

What they don’t know DOES hurt them.

According to my research, properly prescribed prescription drugs were the fourth leading cause of DEATH in a previous year.

Key words “properly prescribed.”

People who believe they’ve experienced heaven, the life-after-dealth experiencers, say it is “bliss”…

Gives whole new meaning to the expression “ignorance IS bliss” don’t it?