I remain amazed at how many people have all these ailments…go to the doctor…acquire their label…and abide by the doctor’s dictates no matter what they are, and without any further research.
And then wonder why their condition never goes away.
Nor bother to even explore “alternative” routes…or really, properly defined, routes that go back to bare basics.
Such as revamping the diet, getting back to plain ole’ veges and other raw foods, perhaps a few clean non-raw foods, plenty of spring water, and perhaps just a few nutritional supplements that are known to increase vitality and health in the vast majority of us.
A friend of mine at the gym, he works there, has had a long-term issue with IBS. He has dealt with it over ten years, minor but with intense flare-ups at times.
Recently I noticed him losing substantial amounts of weight, where he was always somewhat average in weight, somewhat small in stature.
He was becoming far too skinny, and I could see discomfort and dis-ease in his face.
He was using steroids for a time to manage the inflammation, explaining that they helped, but that they needed to be dropped down in dosage over a few days (of course).
I cringed regardless.
Last week he told me about a chiropractor that someone suggested he see, and it happened to be one I knew. One of the best in the area in fact.
He said he was pretty much done with conventional medicine and was going to do it holistically from here on out, and would do whatever the chiropractor told him to do.
I supported his venture into something different, and encouraged him to keep an open mind, consider strongly what the chiropractor suggested, but go with his heart and gut instead of blindly following the chiropractor.
This is really my main point.
There are plenty in the “holistic health” arena that are not much better off than the money-mongering side of conventional medicine. Both have positives (tho the latter has proven to have far fewer in my experience) but still need to be navigated carefully and with thought.
The very FIRST step, I strongly feel, is to simply clean up the diet.
When I first asked him about what he ate, he was completely oblivious to gluten being an issue. He did not even know what foods contain gluten.
And it’s this mentality…as much as I love my friend…that angers me the most.
The seeming willful intent to remain ignorant, and place one’s authority in another person’s hands.
This is the downfall of our world.
And I am convinced it is by design.
HOWEVER…this design does not have to be interpreted as a BAD thing.
I believe the design is there to finally FORCE us to take personal responsibility.
How else can we obtain a heightened state, unless we are put in position enough to make the choice?