Syntol Controversy…Good or Bad Bacteria?

Syntol AMD is promoted in health food stores as one of the greatest new products that allegedly destroys candida overgrowth in the gut, and in turn re-balances the healthy flora with its probiotic strains.

I do not have a firm opinion on this product yet, but I personally have chosen not to use it and will explain why:

The controversial strain of bacteria used is called “B. subtilis,” aka “Bacillus Subtilis.”

Dr. Jeffrey McCombs, a doctor whom I consider to be one of the leaders in effective anti-candida treatments, has stated his opinions against this strain of bacterium which can be found online, and why this may be counter-productive in the fight against candida. 

It needs to be noted that his opinions are sometimes fiercely contested, and other research bears out the notion that indeed this strain is effective against candida, but this researcher’s (my) readings of this research have not left me convinced…yet.

That said, the company that produces the product is reporting incredible results.  And in fairness, I have heard from several third parties that the product has produced dramatic effects in about 45 days worth of use, at which time it can be used on a maintenance basis for balance.

It’s a tough issue.

I have a friend who experienced a fairly adverse reaction to the product (not severe, but noticeable) and it was difficult to determine whether the increase in symptoms was due to a herxheimer reaction, or, due to the product actually aggravating the condition. 

As is so often the case, without organizations sincerely devoted to the issue of candida, testing, and finding ways to successfully combat it, we are often shooting in the dark with our attempts to heal ourselves, never knowing for certain what is and is not working, and instead just looking for indications of discomfort and pain relief as our primary goal.

I remain uncertain about this product.  I have seen both good and bad results from it.  I will report more soon on a new section starting here showing my own personal anti-candida system, that has worked for me and continues to, to help me manage symptoms and keep the problem under control.  My system also enables a person a little more in terms of diet options, while hitting the problem from both a localized, as well as systemic standpoint.

Why Did Dr. Oz “Omit” Vital Info About B12?

We hate to make this blog appear as though it’s an “Anti-Doctor-Oz” blog, lol, because it most certainly is NOT.  He is promoting on his show a LOT of really wonderful things that we support whole-heartedly.

Unfortunately, we strongly disagree with him in other areas, and we’ll present our views, with some research backing them where applicable, of what we disagree with *as well as* areas where we are in total agreement with him and want to help spread the news.

One show in early 2012 covered the value of B12 that countless people can derive as an energy booster.  There is no question that it’s beneficial in this regard.

However, what he did NOT cover was the FORM of B12…and on this point as well, we disagree with the B12 that another doctor we respect promotes…that we feel is the healthiest option, and for which we receive a lot of support from other alternative researchers on this subject matter.

B12 most commonly comes in two forms; the “cyano” version, and the “methyl” version.  

To make this simple:

The “cyano” version is derived from cyanide.  

And “yes,” cyanide as we all know from the old movies and cartoons, is absolutely poisonous.

If you try this form of B12, you may notice a slight “bloating,” or even discomfort on the right side of your torso after using it.

This is your liver trying to detoxify the…poison…from your body.

Instead, we can take the “methyl” version, get its absorption both sublingually, under our tongue (directly into our blood stream via our mouth) as well as some secondary absorption possibly via the stomach (although the latter is often the challenge with any B12 supplement, hence the preferred sublingual absorption).

In an effort to combat the lack of absorption that is the challenge with the “methyl” variety, some manufacturers have designed the cyano version, often encapsulated with a lipo (fat)-type substance, in an effort to increase the absorption.

We say, why not just take the version that we KNOW has a safety record, and that has never had an overdose issue that we can find on record as a water-soluble vitamin?

The choice is easy.  We choose the methyl version.

Free Lyme Protocol for Sufferers:

Hey there folks, a happy Friday to all.

Maintenance Motions is designed to be a place where you can come to find free answers to the many issues that plague us.  Its primary contributor is myself, Tim Ritter, of the FacelessFatloss program, and this site will also serve as part of my Extended Program subscription that I will be offering to all of my past clients.  It will be newsletter-based, with added workout, recipe and nutritional content and videos, for a $4.95 fee per month. 

It is my sincere hope that the value in both what I will provide, and what I’m charging, will be recognized and appreciated as my on-going attempt to provide WAY more than I charge for.  This is my modus operandi.

I have also been pressured by friends and family for a long time now to both break out more of my humor, AND…perhaps most importantly…really start to let loose on where I stand on certain issues, as well as take some chances and introduce people to some of the wayward…very wayward…areas of alternative health and well-being that I explore.

I have decided to do just that.  I am going to see how far I can push myself to just let it all out, and to see who in the process I lose as customers and clients…and most importantly…who I *gain* as new friends.

In this effort, I wanted to make this offer first available to all of the FacelessFatloss program participants:

If any of you are suffering from Lyme Disease, or have a loved one who is, I wanted to introduce you to a VERY alternative route to health that I have witnessed…second-hand…create a miracle in someone’s life.

If I told you how extraordinary this person’s recovery was, and HOW it was achieved, you would not believe me.

And I witnessed FIRST hand, this same technique, but different formula, be used on this victim’s mother to rid her of an over-50-year-long systemic yeast infection.

This alternative healer does not have a protocol for yeast/fungal issues.  He recognizes that providing one, due to the severity of the yeast issue in people’s bodies (which is a PRIME focus of my efforts in my FLFL program and this site) can create such an incredible herxheimer effect, due to how deeply embedded candida/fungus can be, that he only helps people in person for this issue, over many sessions, in order to rid the body of it.

Much of what I do provides people with an introduction to alternatives to manage, reduce and eliminate the issue based on what has worked extremely well for me.


Because what this healer does is SO “out there,” and different…and because some people are calling him a “miracle worker,” while a small percentage (perhaps 20% of the people who try his tactics) are not getting any results at all, I wanted to offer to send a couple people who may be suffering from Lyme, his oil, for free, to try it out.  This is with the understanding that you need to report back to me on the results.

I do not have spare money.  I am not rich, and never have been.  Like most people, I’m struggling in this economy.

But because I do not fully understand this healer’s methods, but DO want to make sufferers aware of what he is doing on the chance that it may help someone, I’m making this offer.

I am in no way affiliated with him, nor do I plan to be.  He is a very independent practitioner, involved in acupuncture and frequency/energy work, and I simply want to see if my small cost to get this product to a sufferer…actually works.

And if it does, I will spread the news, as I expect you to as best you can in return.

The fellow’s website:

His line of products is readily available to me locally at a health food store.

I will go pick up the “tick” infusion, and send it to just a few people who request it (PLEASE…as mentioned I do not have much money!  I can only afford to send out a few of them, but will do so at my expense if you are struggling financially, OR, you can certainly just order it yourself, but please report back to let me know how it worked out for you).

If you want a free bottle per my offer, email Maintenance Motions at <> and my helper will forward the request to me.  I will invest in five units for those that want/need them, one unit per each sufferer (which is all you’re supposed to need).

And again, it is with the agreement that you report back to me to let me know if it helped or not.

It’s one of those very “different” and highly criticized, while highly praised, alternative treatments. 

I am researching and studying his information and techniques, based heavily on eastern theory, and will be meeting him in person this weekend to further explore what he’s doing.

Love, Happiness, Health and Peace……………..Tim   🙂