FUNKing Fungus.

Why the language?

Because fungus, which doctors refused to diagnose me as having a problem with, nearly destroyed my life.

And it is continuing to destroy the lives of countless other people dealing with “mystery” diseases that seem to have no cause, and no remedy.

Yet when an anti-candida/fungus/yeast approach is taken…an approach that manages the pathogen load in the body so that we can live in harmony with the “bugs in the body”…

All too often relief comes.

This site is therefore largely focused on fungus/candida as a cause of symptoms of suffering.

If it took the F-word to get you to consider that this may be an important topic to explore, to save or preserve the health of you and your loved ones…

…Then it was worth it.

Explore what this site presents to both contend with candida and other pathogens, as well as what is being done to dramatically increase health and well-being!